Taking Stock (Vol. III)
making // Plans to relax.
cooking // Nothing. I don't really cook these days.
drinking // Hot wild sweet orange tea. I've also been really loving the iced mango green tea from Trader Joe's.
reading // This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper. I also read Mindy Kaling's Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? while I was in Japan.
wanting // This week to be over before it has even begun.
looking // Forward to having a break soon.
playing // Michael Bublé. He makes me happy.
wasting // Time not studying.
wishing // I could spend the entire summer adventuring.
enjoying // Time spent reading and commenting on other blogs.
waiting // For the tub to fill up with hot water.
liking // Cookie butter. Oh. My. Dear.
wondering // What my new room and home will be like.
loving // How pretty all my washi tape looks stacked on my desk, even though I haven't used it for anything yet.
hoping // I do well on my finals this week.
marveling // At how our trip to Japan has already come and gone. Sad.
smelling // My lit gardenia lily candle.
needing // To cuddle.
wearing // Those brown sandals from Target every. freakin'. day. Starting to think I should get some new shoes.
following // My to-do list.
noticing // The pile of towels that need to be folded.
knowing // I should go get in the tub now to memorize some things for my art history test tomorrow while I'm in there.
thinking // About how lovely it would be to go on a beach vacation right now.
bookmarking // Things to do this summer.
opening // Mail. They're all just bills.
giggling // Because it's all I can do to keep myself from crying about finals.
feeling // Nostalgic and overwhelmed.
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