The truth is that I mess up. A lot.
The truth is that I am not good about returning e-mails or texts to people.
The truth is that I am often irresponsible.
The truth is that I am don't always know when to stop or do what I am told.
The truth is that I can be lazy.
The truth is that I have a bit of a temper.
The truth is that I am impatient.
The truth is that I am not always considerate of others.
The truth is that I say sorry, but somehow end up doing the same thing again.
The truth is that I don't have many close friends in real life.
The truth is that I don't always do what I say I will.
The truth is that I don't listen.
The truth is that I can be selfish.
The truth is that I am having a hard time growing up.
The truth is that blogs only show a fraction of real life.
The truth is that there is much more to me. Many more faults.
The truth is that I have hurt someone I love so deeply. And continue to do so because I don't learn.
The truth is that I don't want to be without you.
The truth is that I am afraid you won't come back.
The truth is that it tears me up to think that I could drive you away with my irresponsibility.
The truth is that I don't want to hurt you ever again.
The truth is that I will do whatever it takes to show you that.
The truth is that you are my very best friend.
The truth is that I love you.
The truth is that I am so truly sorry, in the most sincerest way.
xoxo bebé
been here.
definitely resonating.
Hope you have a good reconciliation.
I'll be thinking of you guys.
This is beautiful :)
Alex - Funky Jungle
Thank you Britt... All is well now xoxo
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)
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