
Blogtember // About the Author

Hello there! Can you believe it is September already?! School is back in full swing for me, I'm working, and adjusting to the new things in my life. With that, I want to pull my blogging boots back on and get back into the right state of mind with this space. Have you heard of blogger summer burnout? I think that's what happened to me. But, nonetheless, it is a new month, the start of a new school year, and almost a new season, so it is time for a clean start!

I recently discovered Bailey's (of the blog Brave LoveBlogtember Challenge. I decided why not jump back into blogging with some of her prompts throughout the month? I'm a few days behind on this post, but I decided to write it anyway since it is a great place to start. So, here we are with a little post "About the Author!" I thought this was an especially nice post since there are quite a few new faces around here :)
As you may have guessed, that's me, Jess. Or Jessica for long. I have lived in the SF Bay Area for the past eight years and have really come to love it as my home. I currently go to community college and generally work as a nanny (although I did take a little break from that this summer). My major is graphic design/photography and I hope to have my own business one day or just have a creative career in general! I am passionate about adventuring anywhere and everywhere, and hope to do a lot of traveling in my life. I love fashion and sometimes I share bits of my personal style here, even though it is all over the place and I am definitely no expert on the matter. I enjoy wandering around San Francisco, coffee dates, thrifting, and photographing my life. I'm a daddy's girl, love my family above all else, and love spending time with them.

Loves iced coffee, ModCloth, mason jars, blogging, books, a clean room, smoothies, anything salted caramel, reading blogs, boba drinks, Gilmore Girls, taking photos of everything, the beach, Netflix, and speaking with an English accent for no reason. Dislikes homework, getting up early, traffic, most seafood, line cutters, commercials, and working in retail (praise the Lord I don't do that anymore!).
us-hotspring US
For the past three years, I've also shared my life with this guy, Dai (short for Daisuke ["dice-k"] and pronounced like the singular of dice haha). He was born in Japan, but moved here when he was just 2-years-old. We met in a film photography class and started off just as "friends," but it quickly became clear that there was a deeper connection between us and now we are best friends, adventure buddies, and simply put, in love with each other. He loves baseball, Japanese TV shows, fantasy baseball, reading manga, playing baseball, kids and babies, new baseball gear, passion tea lemonade, Sports Center baseball updates, Candy Crush, and baseball. And Jessica hehe. Did I mention baseball yet? Dislikes being late, tomatoes, coconut, root beer, and taking outfit photos.

I will admit, it has been quite the interesting journey being with someone that also has a different culture than my own, but it has made our relationship that much stronger and more dynamic. He loves sharing things about his Japanese world with me, whether it be food, traditions, or silly entertainment, and I love getting to know more about him through these things. We love traveling together and have so far been to Texas, NYC, all over California, and most recently, JAPAN!mar-aboutauthor
Lastly, this is my little fur baby, Marly. He is a 9-year-old 15lb dachshund/chihuahua mix that I adopted from the humane society when he was just under a year old. Aside from Dai, he is my other best friend and adventure buddy. He loves cuddling under the covers, sleeping, stealing human food, playing with/chewing on his blue ball, chasing birds, squirrels, and cats, being brushed, going for car rides, playing at the dog park, watching over the house, and his mama. Dislikes being alone, being moved when he is sleeping, getting his nails clipped, getting a bath, ocean water, lettuce, delivery men, and Huskies (yes, he has a specific breed he doesn't like for some reason!).

Well, I think that is enough about me for today! Hello to all you new readers! It is nice to formally meet you :)

Happy Friday! What are your plans for the weekend?
                                                  Brave Love Blog

Jess said...

I was always look forward to posts from you Jess! I'm also super happy that you joined in on the blogging challenge (you BETTER put your blogging boots on now that I've finally made a great friend!)....I think I know someone who'd want to guest post for you on "guest post" day.....

P.S I'm kind of jealous now that when we took this photo of each got the city one. Oh well, the Bay Bridge is cool too. ;)

Jess said...

You are the prettiest :) I'm so glad you found some time between school work to write a blog post!!! But get your school work done first missy ;)

Jess said...

Aww... you're so sweet! Haha yes, I will make sure to get my school work done too...

Jess said...

Thanks Danica! Yeah, I'm so happy I made a great friend too! I seriously am so excited to see you again in October. It is going to be great! Let's totally guest post for each other!

The Bay Bridge is totally cool :)

Jess said...

Hey, I like you too! It's perfect :)