As you all probably know, photography is one of my biggest passions. It always makes me so happy when I can share it with others by capturing images of them that they can cherish forever. One of my very close friends, Ola, and her husband were expecting their first baby, so we decided to document this special time in their lives with a photo session. We shot these photos on Easter Sunday and good thing we did because baby girl was just born exactly a week later (4 days ago)!

I am so very happy with how these photos turned out, so I thought I would share some of my favorites with you all!

We found a lovely meadow to shoot in and it was glorious. This spot is actually just off a freeway exit and it was kind of funny to have cars honking and people waving at us while they were on the off-ramp haha. But nonetheless, it was a lovely place to shoot photos and I will definitely keep it in mind for future sessions!

While I am nowhere near ready for any babies of my own, I am so very happy for my sweet friend. It amazes me all that has happened and all that has changed in the three short years I have known her, yet it feels that I have always known her. And until I am ready for my own baby, I cannot wait to be an auntie to her little girl and shower her with so much love.

The lighting was quite perfect while we were shooting and I am so in love with the entire look of the photos. I think there is nothing better than a lovely natural setting and golden light. I don't think I could ever be a studio photographer!

On Monday evening I went to visit them in the hospital and I got to meet the little baby girl, Leticia. My goodness, she is just so precious and I already love her. They went home from the hospital today and I can't wait to visit them again soon!
Doing this photo session with them also really made me want to shoot more photos! I just need to find some people to photograph ;) Oh, by the way, I made a photography site back in January and you can check it out here if you want! If you or anyone you know lives in the Bay Area, send them my way! I am not opposed to traveling :)
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