Oh my oh my oh my. On Sunday I went to a giant antique fair. Wowzers it was pretty dang cool. I wasn't sure what this event was all about, but it had the potential to either be super cool or super lame. A while back my friend took me to a sewing and quilting fair (neither of which I really enjoy) and it was way lamer than we thought it would be. But this antique fair was definitely not like that. There were rows, and rows, and rows (A-Z) of vendors and we only got through maybe half of them.
I made it my mission to find several things: a typewriter, a record player, a hat (you know, because I was so inspired by my trip to the Haight on Saturday), and a side table for the lovely chair I bought at a garage sale a couple weekends ago. I found many old, pretty typewriters that didn't work. And were over $100. I don't really care about it's antique-ness. I just want it to type. And boy did I find a pretty blue gem. It's electric, which I don't mind and it's blue. My color. And I was able to negotiate $25 for it. I took it. Truth be told, once I got home, I found out a couple things. First, I don't know a damn thing about typewriters. Second, it doesn't quite work, like I was told by the two gypsy-hipster looking girls. Now, I don't know if she just straight out lied to me and figured she could pull one over on the blonde girl, or if I just don't know how to use it. I hope she didn't lie to me. Or that if she did, it is something my dad can fix for me. I was really pissed when I got home and discovered this, and could just hear my dad's voice telling me I wasted my money or "you didn't test it?!", so I'm hoping it is an easy fix. Gosh dang gypsy-hipsters. I was successful with another item on my wish list was well: the table! It fits perfectly beside my wonderful chair and will look great once I spruce up the corner a bit (it's all in the works. just need a dad's help. pictures soon to come!).
So, I'd say that the antique fair was a hit! I would have gone through the entire fair had I not had to be back for work in the afternoon. It happens every month, so I think I will bring my dad along next time! Definitely something he would absolutely love. Went for brunch after the fair and was very pleased at the mountain of whipped cream on my hot chocolate! My kind of place :)Also, did you notice that cool green bag I was carrying? Guess where I got it? It got it from in front of my teacher's neighbor's house the other night in SF! The girl was just putting out free stuff! I had to snatch it up. It's big and vintage smelling. Gosh, I love free stuff!
What did you guys do this weekend? :)
P.S. Please excuse my awkward photo formatting. Blogspot has not been very cooperative lately when it comes to placing photos. Messes up my flow! What a weirdo. Any tips???
YUM! that hot chocolate looks a-maz-ing. i love it. and the antique fair looks so full of goodies.
when i put photos in my blog, i go to the HTML section of blogspot and check that all are width=500 and that they are center aligned. makes for a nice straight line down the page.
Thank you so much! I think that will really help! Thanks for stopping by :)
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