
If we had coffee...

I'd tell you that I'm ready for cold weather.

I'd tell you that I miss my sister.

I'd tell you that my math class is too easy and I am bored.

I'd tell you that I haven't really made any friends at community college yet.

I'd tell you that I am going to San Diego in October. And I'm really happy about it.

I'd tell you that I wish my best friend hadn't left for college.

I'd tell you that I love the new color of my hair.

I'd tell you that my nannying job is great. I hate retail.

I'd tell you that I don't want to work at Lucky anymore, but for some reason I can't bring myself to quit.

I'd tell you that I've had the same bouquet of flowers on my sidetable for almost 2 months.
They are dead, but I like them.

And lastly,

I'd tell you that waking up next to a warm, sleeping pup is the greatest way to start my day.