Life is interesting. I have found myself thinking about many things lately. When I lay in bed at night, my mind is flooded with ideas for projects, a list of things I need to accomplish, and just thoughts about the what ifs in life. It is really all too much for me to process sometimes and keeps me awake longer than it should. Then, when I am faced with extra time to myself, I hardly ever know where to even start. Do I want to blog, make art, go for a walk, tackle a DIY, do homework I should have done, take photos, go shopping—I just don't know. Or, what should I be doing with this time? I should probably be using it in a constructive and productive way, and usually feel guilty when I don't. Clearly, I need some organization in my life.

I really hate to over complicate things (which is probably exactly what I am doing right now), but I hate to feel unfulfilled and like my precious time is not being used wisely. I am also probably making it sound like I have an abundance of free time in my life, which is not the case. Maybe that is why I tend to over analyze and over think things of this nature, because I don't have much free time and want to make it last and be worthwhile.

I hate to say this, but I feel like a bit of this pressure I feel comes from Pinterest, though I am a huge lover of the site. Essentially everything on Pinterest is picture perfect, which can be intimidating and make me feel as though what I have/what I'm doing/where I'm at/how I dress, do my makeup, and even organize my closet is not good enough. I, a user with something like nearly 4,000 pins, just realized that. Sure, all of the pins I find filed away on my boards are pretty, but are they attainable, realistic, real life? Probably not. And that is not something I should strive to achieve in all areas of my life, whether it be how my bedroom looks or what I want my future (very expensive, by the looks of my board) wedding to be like.

Maybe this all stems from stress, who knows. Life gets busy quickly, and then all of a sudden three months have flown by and you're like, "hey, do you remember January? Remember how nice it was?" And that is that. Another week, another month, and then another year is gone. Overwhelming to think about, is it not?
But I guess there is this: do whatever makes me happy at that point in time. There is no need to worry about the organizational state of my closet (it's a lost cause anyway) or feel bad about all the forgotten and undone DIY pins on my crafting board.
After I had put the photos of this post together and sat down to write words to go with it, I really had no idea what would come out of me. Mostly, I never know what to write for outfit posts because I am no style expert and my commentary would be something like "I got this shirt on sale. I like it and think it looks good with these pants and this chambray. Also, I like this hat. The end." and that's boring and would make me sound like a twit. Side note: How do all you fashion bloggers do it? And wait, am I a fashion blogger? At any rate, these words just starting coming out of my fingertips, and when the fingertips get moving on their own, you must obey. So I did and here we are.
What are your thoughts about free time, Pinterest, and happiness?
Outfit Details:
Shirt // Lucky Brand
Chambray // American Eagle
Pants // Uniqlo
Hat // Lucky Brand
Shoes // Crown Vintage via DSW
Love that hat!
I bought a similar one in Charming Charlie, and I wear it alllll the time!
Pinterest is the devil and the angel on your shoulders. It can be a wonderful tool for organizing, planning events, etc. It can also make you feel wholly inadequate! As a mom, sometimes I think why am I not doing all these wonderful Pinteresty things for Isaac? And then I remember, that's really for me and not him. He just wants me to play trains with him. And that's the important stuff. :)
Aww thanks Abby! This is true! Good words.
Yep. I agree! Good to keep in mind if I'm a mom some day :)
I'd never heard of Charming Charlie, but I just looked it up and I think I'll be occupied for the next hour or two! Thanks :)
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