Are you happy to see a new month here already? I sure am! March was a strange month with lots of feelings swimming around, so I am ready to focus on something new and leave last month in the past. April is going to be grand, I just know it! It will be a month of adventure and feeling alive. This month we have my spring break, very little work, and a HUGE galavanting experience: JAPAN!!
I have really enjoyed setting these monthly goals and sharing them with you all. It is nice to look back on the month to see all that I have accomplished! Here's what we have for April...
+ Go through my room and get rid of some items.
A success! As the end of the month quickly approached, I didn't actually think this was going to happen, but I really got in gear this past week. I got rid of a lot of random things in my bathroom cabinets and drawers, cleared off my desk, and tried to declutter all the little areas that I seem to just dump things in. There's definitely still more I can do, but I am happy with the progress I have made so far! It certainly helped that I had company coming that were going to be staying in my room ;)
A success! As the end of the month quickly approached, I didn't actually think this was going to happen, but I really got in gear this past week. I got rid of a lot of random things in my bathroom cabinets and drawers, cleared off my desk, and tried to declutter all the little areas that I seem to just dump things in. There's definitely still more I can do, but I am happy with the progress I have made so far! It certainly helped that I had company coming that were going to be staying in my room ;)
+ Connect with other bloggers more regularly and make new blogging friends.
I would say that this was a success! I have met several new blogging friends this month and am quite happy with how things have been in Blogland lately. I definitely want to keep this up :)
+ Plan out the happenings on this blog while I am in Japan.
I am so happy with how successful this was! I reached out to many bloggers to put together an awesome lineup of posts to keep everyone engaged and entertained while I am away. This will be really exciting and I can't wait to start receiving the guest posts that are in the works so I can get everything scheduled and in order! If you are interested in guest posting while I am away, please do e-mail me at jesspanian@gmail.com! There's still time to contribute and I'd love to collaborate :)
+ Read at least 1 book.
This did not happen. I read part of a book? Does that count? I'm hoping that between two 13-hour flights and many hours on bullet trains, I will be able to read a book or two while I am in Japan! So, I will shelf this one and hope for the best for April.
+ Give school 100% of my effort.
I think I did a really great job at this, actually! I got A's on two exams and studied really hard for all my classes. One of those was actually a paper that I happen to write about blogging and bloggers in general for my communication class ;) I spent a lot of time deep into schoolwork this month, but it has been paying off. Luckily, I have figured things out with all of my teachers for while I am in Japan, so I will know what I need to keep up with while I am gone.
+ Get a haircut.
I know, this seems like such a silly, mundane thing, but seriously. I have put this small thing off for so long and now my hair is suffering. I am almost embarrassed to admit how long it has been since my last haircut (read: SEPTEMBER 2012). Also, I don't really know what to do with my hair anymore. There is no style to it anymore and it usually just ends up tucked behind my ear or swept to the side with a bow in it. So, I think it is definitely time to have a new polished hair-do for my big excursion.
+ Start packing for Japan early.
For a notorious over-packer like me, this is important. With having to pay to check our bags each way, I am going to have to be smart about how I will pack for this two week international adventure. I am thinking I will make some OCD checklists and plan outfits ahead of time (maybe even take photos of them on my phone to make things easy?). I am actually really excited to get started on this haha.
+ Have all blog related tasks prepped/completed before I leave.
Things are on track with this so far, but I just need to get everything scheduled and ready to go! Hoping this will be a fairly easy task, but it may be rather time consuming. Worth every minute of work though!
+ Do as much schoolwork as I can before I leave.
No one likes doing homework on vacation or coming home to a pile of it, so I am really going to try to use my weekends leading up to Japan to get ahead on my school related things so that I can be worry free on my trip!
+ Have the best time of my life!
I am thinking this will be easy. So ready for the biggest, most exciting trip of my life thus far!
I can't believe that April is here at last! I have been anticipating this month for quite some time and am over the moon that there are only 21 days left until Dai & I leave for Japan! Woohoo!
What are your goals for this month? Anything fun planned so far?
I really need to do this. Goals are important and I rarely have them, haha
Perhaps downloading an audio book would help you reach your reading goal? I tried this for the first time last winter during a trip to NYC, and I made a good dent in the book between time on the plane and wandering Central Park.
My own April goals include drinking two bottles of water each day, treating myself to a full-body massage, spring cleaning my car, and reading a book each week.
What an exciting month ahead for you! You will be super busy before your trip, but that'll make it get here even sooner! Good luck and have a blast.
first, i really love your monthly goal posts! what a great idea and your goals are simple & realistic! i'll def be doing this to myself focused each month :) and second, JAPAN!? what an incredible experience!! Enjoy it & take tons of photos [i'm sure you will!]. Cannot wait to read about your adventures in future posts!
ooooh can't wait to see a new hair-do!
Thank you so much! So far it has been a great month and I am definitely looking forward to my trip!!
An audio book is a great idea! I've never listened to one before, but I'm willing to try it out! Your April goals sound pretty awesome and I am definitely jealous of that massage. Hope things are going well for you so far! :)
Thanks, Karissa! I definitely try to keep my goals simple because I know that I won't be able to accomplish them otherwise haha. I hope that making monthly goals will work for you too! Yes, Japan! So excited and can't wait! I will definitely be taking tons of photos and look forward to overloading the blog with posts about it :) Thanks for stopping by!
Haha me too! Just have to figure out what I want to do with it. Any ideas?
Haha yes they are sometimes hard to get into the habit of, but it has been going well for me so far. You should join in the fun!
Can't wait to have you on the blog too! Thanks, Z! I'm trying haha
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