+ On Saturday morning, Dai dragged me to a TimBuk2 warehouse sale in the city, but it was pretty packed and by the time we got in everything had been picked over. Had to take a tired-eyed, makeup-less selfie while waiting in line though, of course.
+ The sky after all this rain! I just love it. I made the girls I nanny get out and go for a walk with me the other day so we could enjoy the stormy sky.
+ I snuck Marly into the room I'm renting when no one was home so he could see where I live and lay on the familiar bed and sniff all the familiar things that he hasn't seen since staying with Dai. I definitely put him in a reusable grocery bag to smuggle him in, even though it is pointless because he is too big and his little head sticks out.

+ Marly in his Christmas finest. OMG.
+ Rainy day tucked away indoors with the Christmas tree on and Gilmore Girls going.
+ Expensive hipster food that I will not buy again. Meh. It was nothing too special.
+ Someone caught us fast asleep and cuddling.
+ Coffee was necessary today since I only slept for 3 hours. I do it to myself of course, but I guess that's just how my creative mind functions, by doing projects at the last moment. My teacher loved my final project though, so that's good! In other news, I think I may be over iced coffee for a while. I spoiled myself this fall by making a habit of adding pumpkin spice syrup to it, so going back to just half & half with two Splenda is depressing and gross.
+ I'm not ashamed of how many photos there are of my dog in this post. I mean, look at him?

+ On Sunday, Dai discovered that this pizza place that just opened nearby was offering a free pizza to each person that 'liked' their FB page. So, there is my free pizza masterpiece.
+ I love wrapping gifts! I haven't even reached that "ugh I'm so over wrapping" phase yet, so everything is good. I think I have a lot more in me.
+ More rainy day scenes. I really really really love our Christmas tree and always turn it on as soon as I get to Dai's house. For some reason he never turns it on just for himself because he is convinced it is a waste of electricity haha and asks me "Do you really need to turn the tree on?" Hey, we only have 1 month a year to enjoy it, so you bet I will turn it on whenever I can!
+ I am so happy to be officially finished with school for the semester! I definitely had a lot of work to do to finish up, but I made it!
+ I think I need some pampering. I have a certificate for a facial that I am going to try to redeem and I want to try doing a coconut oil mask on my hair. I just want a nice hot bath too! And warm PJs.
+ Today I started thinking about going brunette. I don't really know why, but I figured it might be a fun change. Plus, I really love how blue eyes pop with brunette hair. We shall see... I am too cheap to have it done, so I would have to ask a friend who knows what they or doing. Or one of my sisters... Stacy, what do you think?
+ The Michael Bublè Christmas special is on tonight!!! So with that, I must go now...
Stay warm, friends!
yessss you should try brunette! I think it'll look great with your pretty skin and eyes! I can't wait to see it! And congrats on being done with the school for now, happy holidays! :-)
I think you'd make a lovely brunette! Change is good, and even if you don't like the color after the fact, at least you learned something. Michael Bublé *swoon* <3
whoa that is a beautiful pizza. especially for getting it for free! p.s. I'd be willing to do your hair...if you trust me! haha I've colored my own hair a lot but never anyone else's, fair warning. but I do use professional color, not the stuff from drugstores, so I have a little bit of cred ;)
The pup sweater is so cute!
Hey that might actually be kind of awesome! I read your post about coloring your own hair, and you seem to know what you are doing! At least more than I do ;) Maybe after you guys get settled we can talk about it?
Thanks Morgan! True, true!
Aww thanks Katie! I think I may be ready for a fun change :) I hope you had a great holiday!
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