Merry (belated) Christmas! These past two weeks have been such a whirlwind! It feels like I have been going non-stop since school let out for the semester. I finished up work for the rest of the year, spent a day baking with my family, went on a special Christmas date with Dai in San Francisco, wrapped loads of gifts, and went to San Diego for 5 days with Dai to celebrate Christmas with my family. Woah, I'm exhausted just typing all of that out haha. Yesterday was the first day that I was even able to open my laptop in literally days. Taking a little break to simply enjoy the holidays was definitely nice, but I have missed blogging! Here is a little peek at what I have been up to.

While in San Diego, we had a tea time date, went paddle boarding, ate at one of my favorite breakfast spots, and saw a balloon parade in downtown at the harbor! Paddle boarding was super fun and both Dai and I are looking forward to doing it again sometime soon!

We celebrated Christmas morning at my sister's house with her husband and three boys. I always love spending Christmas morning with them and getting to see my nephews be so excited for all the festivities! Santa brought Dai a GoPro, so he was definitely pretty happy :)

For Christmas dinner, we celebrated with part of my mom's side of the family and I was able to set the table for all of us to sit together. We don't usually get to all sit at one table for dinner, so this was a rare occurrence and I tried to make it as special as possible!

We also spent some time hanging out on the beach, my sister and I drove around looking at Christmas lights together after doing some shopping and grabbing coffee, and on our last day, we all went out to breakfast before Dai and I started our drive home.

Now I am home for a few days before heading off to Seattle for the New Year and to celebrate my birthday! I would say it was a pretty lovely sunny California Christmas :)
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season from wherever you are!
yay yay yay!
You enjoy my seattle now, okay?
and p.s. this looks like such a fun time.
p.p.s. you are gorgeous without makeup.
Will do! So far so good :)
Ha! I'm glad you think so because I happen to think I look like a disaster when I wake up ;)
wow you did pack a lot in Christmas!
Your holidays seemed so fun and festive! I live in San Diego, and still haven't gone paddle-boarding, but I hope to soon! I hope you enjoy Seattle and enjoyed ringing in the New Year. :)
Yes, we definitely did! It was all very lovely, but I am actually enjoying this time at home too before classes start again :)
They really were! Probably one of the best years in a while. You really should go paddle boarding! We went in the Carlsbad Lagoon :)
I'll have to tell Jake and check it out! Thanks! :)
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