Hi there! You may have noticed that things look a bit different around here. I finally decided to bite the bullet and purchase a pre-made template! I really enjoyed designing every element of my blog myself, but it got to the point where I wasn't knowledgeable enough about coding stuff and wanted a fresh perspective to mix things up. Anyway, I love it and it is inspiring me to get back to blogging more regularly!
At any rate, I was in San Diego for a week and while I was there, I was able to spend a little time in Orange County to see Danica and her new baby boy, Kingston! The last time I saw Danica, she was pregnant, but didn't even know it yet, so it is crazy that this time when I saw her she actually had a real BABY! Woah. Kingston is such a cutie and really was just the most well behaved little gentleman during our visit! Here are bunch of photos of him because I know that's really what we all want to see :)

The little baby feet and little baby hands! My goodness. They are just the sweetest little things. Also, this post will include excessive use of the word 'little' because it is just the best when talking about babies. Because everything about them is little and cute...

We went to a restaurant in downtown Santa Ana called The Gypsy Den that Danica said she used to hang out at back in her high school days. I loved how it was decorated with so many different kinds of things that all worked so nicely together and the food was pretty good too! We had yummy spare rib brunch sandwiches with tater tots and raspberry lemonade on the side.

Baby K slept on and off throughout our whole visit and I really couldn't resist taking so many pictures of him. I mean, look at that little face!

It was such a joy for me to see Danica as a mom for the first time. She seems to come to her so naturally and you can tell that is makes her so happy. She is also just so glowing and lovely, even though I am sure she is exhausted! Kingston is one lucky little dude to have her as a mama.

I loved holding this little baby cakes and even got to feed him a bottle. I carried him all the way to the car when we were leaving instead of putting him in his stroller because I just didn't want to let him go! My arms were so tired at the end of our walk, but he was worth it!

I will take allllll the free hugs! Just keep them coming! Please?

I'm so glad that it worked out for me to make a stop on my trip to see this pretty lady and her little man! I'm especially happy to have gotten to meet him while he was still an itty bitty newborn and am really looking forward to Danica's annual Labor Day visit to the Bay Area. Even though it is only a month and a half a way, I know Kingston will look different and be so much bigger!
You can just stay little forever, though, ok Kingston?
Yay for blogging friends & blogging friends' babies! Danica, I love you!
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