Hello, July! Here we are, halfway through 2018 already! Feels really strange when you put it like that. 2018 has been an interesting year so far, but I am hoping that the rest of the year won't be quite as hectic!
Since I haven't gotten to make any goals here on the blog since February, I figured July was the perfect time to share some new ones.
Stick to my new nutrition plan | I recently started a new nutrition plan and have been loving it so far. I want to continue with this in July to see what kind of results I can get and work towards feeling my best!
Update my resume | Though I love my job, it doesn't quite have all of the benefits I need and I figured it doesn't hurt to start looking around at what's out there. So, I should polish up my resume just in case I need it!
Read Rich Bitch | I got this financial advice book last year and have yet to read it! Since finances have been on my mind lately, I figured it is finally time to dive in and learn more about this important part of adulting. When I am done, maybe I will write a post about what I learned from the book if that's something you all are interested in!
Purge items from my life | My closet is full and my drawers are overflowing. I think it is time to finally let go of items that I just don't wear or aren't bringing me joy any more! Plus, minimizing items is relaxing to me and I feel so much better when my space is clutter-free.
No unnecessary spending | I've spent a lot more money than I should have the past couple months. Someone change my Amazon password for me, please! It is just too easy to order things. $10 here and $15 there really starts to add up... I also have been traveling and out and about quite a bit lately, so expenses have added up there as well. Time to try not to buy anything outside of groceries and gas and my monthly bills this July!
Get back into my gym routine | I was in a really good routine of going to the gym before work, but as life got busy and I was gone a lot, that kind of fell to the wayside and I haven't gone as much as I've liked. Now that I am home and won't be going anywhere this month, I'd like to get back to my morning gym sessions. I also would like to start taking more evening walks with Marly when I get home. The weather has been so nice and it stays light out late, so I'd like to take advantage of that time!
Looking forward to...
Having some solo time | Dai is going to Japan this month for nearly two weeks. While I will miss him dearly while he is gone, I am actually looking forward to having some solo time to just relax and do whatever I feel like doing. Like I've said, these past few months have been quite busy and I really haven't been home much, so it will be nice to slow down a little.
Pool days! | We had a couple pool days in June, but now it looks like the hot summer weather is here to stay. You can find me on a lounge chair with a book and a drink in my hand!
June blog highlights
Life Lately | The one and only blog post from June! Shared the nitty-gritty of what's been going on in my life lately.
I think that July will be a mellow month filled with summer activities that I look forward to all year!
What are you looking forward to in July? Do you have any goals for the month?
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