I have really loved that I have been able to convince Dai to take my outfit photos for the past couple months. It makes my life so much easier, and quite frankly, I don't even know where I put my camera remote so I don't really have a choice right now! I will admit, I can be very particular about what I want my photos to look like, and this sometimes causes arguments between us when shooting. I guess it all comes down to poor communication of my creative vision. I have such a strong vision of what each shot should look like and I have a difficult time putting those thoughts into words for Dai. I then get frustrated if they don't turn out how I want, which of course isn't his fault, but I take it out on him. I can't expect him to simply read my mind! But I do, which often results in Dai vowing that this is the very last time he is doing outfit photos for me. And then we lay it to rest for a few days until the next time I literally beg him to do it and promise that I will be nice haha.

So, in an effort to make things enjoyable for both of us, we have now established the 3 Word Rule: I can only give directions or advice 3 words at a time. Ha! That way I have to choose my words wisely, don't have enough words to argue with, and still give Dai room for creative freedom. We have been using this system for the past few shoots, and I must say, it is actually working! We have definitely been getting along much better during our sessions and it doesn't make us want to kill each other. So, I don't think I'll fire him just yet (or more like that he will quit!) ;)

Another thing I often notice him saying to me is something along the lines of, "Babe, you're not a model." Which clearly I know. Like a 5'1" girl who is definitely not stick thin would ever be a model anyway. Besides temporarily annoying me (I know he is really just joking around), his comment has made me think of bloggers who post outfit photos in general. Why do they do it? Why do I do it? I guess the answer to that is simple: for fun. Like, you definitely don't have to tell me I'm not a model. I know that and am willing to bet a large chunk of change that I never will be. And that is okay because it isn't what I am trying to do. I just enjoy pushing myself to create new outfits with what I already have since a) I don't have a large clothing budget and b) it is cool to see how one piece can be restyled in many different ways. I like and appreciate personal style in general and want to share that with the world. Plus, it's my blog and I can do what I want ;)

I'll let you in on a little secret though: sometimes it is tough to post outfit photos. I am not 100% confident with my body and posting photos of myself from head to toe makes me feel vulnerable sometimes. During our shoots, I am constantly thinking, how do I look from this angle? Is this going to make me look awful? I know that I have areas that could be improved (which has been a lifelong struggle for me), but I don't want to always feel restricted by that and want to feel okay with where I am at right now. It is easy to think, Oh, six months from now I want to be skinny. Trust me, it is. It is harder to act on though, and I really haven't gotten the hang of that yet. But, on the same coin, I sometimes feel that if I changed that little part of myself, all of my other problems will vanish too. Which is silly and untrue.
Though outfit photos are scary sometimes, it makes me feel good in my own skin to get dressed up in a special outfit and maybe do my makeup in a new way. We all have things about our bodies that we want to change, and I could easily list off ten things right now. But, what is bigger and more important than that at the end of the day (whether you are thin or not) is to love yourself.
I absolutely love that you share outfits. It is so refreshing to see a fellow short girl (I'm 5'3") posting outfit ideas. Being overweight, I always think that that is the only thing everyone notices about me and yet it's rarely what I notice in others. The things we worry what others will think about us is rarely what they are thinking.
So please, keep posting! If you don't feel confident, you certainly look confident and of course you are beautiful so keep it up!
Well, I'm over here a little jealous at this stylish look that you pulled together! You've inspired me to think about what I can do with what I already have, since I'm not rolling in the dough either. And as someone who has lost 60 lbs and kept it off- all the other problems don't disappear with the weight. I'm still the same inside, and sometimes it feels really weird, like people who have only known "skinny Rachel" aren't getting the full picture. And speaking objectively, you are a gorgeous woman and you can seriously rock a fedora! That plum color compliments your skin tone perfectly. I also think it takes guts to do a style post- hopefully I will take that leap later this year, to test my self-confidence. And you are so right- the important thing is to love ourselves, as we are.
You look absolutely stunning in these and have nothing to be concerned about. I was absolutely breathless when I clicked on these - you look so vibrant and full of life. It is so beautiful to see REAL women with REAL bodies taking pride and sharing them. You look so stylish and healthy, and you have inspired me to take more photos of myself and be brave enough to post some.
P.S. As a fellow photographer, it is so hard to be on the other side of that camera and not critique. duuuuuude I mean it. My husband refuses because of the grief that I am bound to give him.
You look so great! I love your outfit, the simple black dress, tied together with each accessory! Gorgeous!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Emily! It really made me smile :) You are definitely right about thinking it is is the only thing everyone notices; I totally feel that way all the time, but you are also probably right about what others actually think! xoxo
Haha aww thanks Rachel! WOW! Great job!! How did you go about accomplishing something like that? I'm sure it took a lot of discipline and hard work. Thanks so much for your kind words - they really made me feel better and more confident :) xoxo
P.S. I think you could rock a fedora too! And style posts!
Thanks Samantha! I've had this dress tucked away in my closet for years and have really only started wearing it recently, but I am glad that I pulled it out because I have been loving the simplicity of it!
Thanks girl :)
Thank you so much Britt. I really can't tell you how much your sweet words mean to me! I appreciate what you have said and will definitely think of them the next time I am feeling hesitant about posting photos. Please do post more photos of yourself! We all want to see more of your lovely face :) xoxo
P.S. I am so glad that I'm not the only one to have these issues with a significant other haha
I'm so glad that we are in this whole awkward limbo together. But I mean what I said, and don't just mean it to flatter you. You are gorgeous.
I need to do something to hold myself accountable to take more clothes shoots.
and to get my husband to click what/when I wish. Silly man.
Maybe I'll try next week?
These photos are great, you do such a wonderful job in front of the camera! Honestly for myself, I post outfit photos because it pushes me outside of my comfort zone. Which reminds me, I need to do another one this month . . .
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