Oh holy moly, I am so happy to be writing this post! Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting the beautiful Britt of Britt & Hive in person. Like, a real breathing, smiling person right in front of me and not just a voice in my head as I'm reading her posts online! Amazing! Britt is the very first of my blogging friends that I have gotten to meet in person and I couldn't have asked for a better time with her.
A few things about Britt:
- She is adorable. The sweetest personality like I imagined her having, so funny and lively, and also the cutest little baby bump.
- Her voice and the way she talks is more animated than I had thought, in a good way.
- She is very observant of the things around her. I like that.
- She is easy to talk to! I didn't think she would be difficult to talk to, but I liked how our conversations naturally flowed as we walked down the street or in and out of shops.
- Being with her was like being with a friend I've known for years. It just felt right.

Britt scouted for meeting spots online and we settled on Hollow, a coffee shop in the Inner Sunset District of the city. After reading about the quiet, quaintness of this place (and the mocha with a big homemade marshmallow cube plopped in it) were were sold. It was an overcast summer day on this side of the city, which made it the perfect day for two friends to meet for a coffee date and pretend it is winter.

The decor and vibe of this place couldn't be more calming or eclectic. There is just an easiness about it that makes you feel so welcome, which in my books is something to be celebrated, especially since some artisan coffee shops have a way of making people feel like a fish out of water.

There are only two small tables and one bench in this little shop, so we had to take our coffee outside. No complaints here though since the cloudy weather was perfect for hot coffee drinking and chatting.

I loved all the unique gifts and treasures that were displayed for sale in every nook & cranny of this place. All of the little baked goods looked amazing too, but I restrained myself (barely).

After a bit of internal debate, I settled on a butterscotch latte. I wouldn't say that the butterscotch was very strong, but the drink was frothy and lovely all the same. Plus, there's just something nice about going to a coffee shop and getting to drink from a real mug, am I right?

Behold, The Titanic II. That would be Britt's super rich mocha on steroids with an "iceberg" of a marshmallow in it. Really though, how could we come here without one of us ordering this monstrosity?

After our coffee date, we spent some time wandering up and down the streets around the coffee shop before making our way to our lunch spot, my beloved Nopalito. We had a matching lunch of chicken mole enchiladas (highly recommended!) and almond horchata before exploring the boutiques in the area and eventually making our way deeper into the city to the sunny Mission District. There, we visited more unique shops and thrift stores, daydreaming of all the fancy home decor we cannot afford, as well as having a panic attack when we thought Britt's car had been towed/stolen for about 10 minutes. City life, isn't it grand?
I don't really know how to end this because how do you really end talking about a lovely day with a friend? I'm not sure. I will say this though: I absolutely loved being able to spill my guts about all things blogging related to someone that actually understands what I mean or what I'm going through. I could talk about other bloggers like they were just our mutual friends (because in some strange way they actually are) and she would just get it. Let's face it, who do/can I (or really any of us bloggers) talk to about blogging besides other bloggers? No one! Because no one else really cares about or necessarily understands these online friendships and communities. You know what I mean?
It makes me sad that Britt and I live so far away from each other, but I am hopeful that we will meet again one day (soonish)! This wonderful day with her also makes me excited to meet some of my other great blogging friends in the future :)
Have you ever met any of your blogging friends in person? What was it like? Also, who do you talk about blogging with?
What a lovely coffee shop! I love meeting blogger friends! It is so neat getting to meet someone in person that you have been connected to for a while.
That coffee shop is fabulous looking! And I love the homemade marshmallows!!! Sounds like you had a great time meeting up with a blogging friend.
That cafe looks amazing. I am always scouring my city (Seattle) for gems like these. I have not met any of my bloggy friends in life, but I sure have made great friendships!
So cool! I hope to meet some fellow bloggers one day as well.
I'm meeting a blogger in real life this November and I'm so excited.
Can't wait to meet fellow bloggers in person one day!! the coffee shop was soo cute. Love the style
I met fellow Okinawa bloggers for lunch one day, and oh my god was it amazing to just sit down and chat about anything and everything blog related!! <3 <3
Aww I LOVE blogger dates or blates :) That cafe is the cutest!!! I actually had my blog friend Veronica come visit me for our vacation!!
First of all, awesome cafe find! I just want to curl up there with a good book on a rainy day...too bad I'm only a few thousand miles away. And two, you two are the cutest. Still upset that it didn't work for us to meet up this spring! We gotta try again sometime!
I havent met any blogging friends in person yet but have a tentative date for this fall set with one. I am so excited. That cafe is also so adorable!
I actually just met one of my longtime blogging friends in person last night! It was so weird to hear what she actually sounded like instead of just a voice in my head as I read her posts haha
Haha blates! I've never heard that before but it is adorable! Happy you got to meet a blog friend too :)
Yay! That definitely is something to be excited about :)
Yes, you definitely should! It really was a lovely time :)
I totally know the feeling! It was like for the first time since I started this whole blog thing that I could really talk to someone about it! Yes I definitely want to meet you too :)
That is so exciting! I hope it all works out for you two to meet :)
Yeah I definitely want to go back there to read or do some blogging work! Haha awww you're so sweet. I'm bummed it didn't work out too, but we will try again!
Well, here I am, a month later, finally commenting on a post that I am actually in.
We both have been the most inconsistent bloggers since our date - which is probably because things are as crazy on your end as they are for me over here. Its like, nuts, yo. Hoping everything is good - and thank you for all the sweet words. Wish I was still in San Fran, with the sweet sea breeze and yummy coffee.
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