If we had coffee, we would probably meet at Starbucks, unless there was a cooler, local spot to choose instead. I would most likely order an iced coffee, with half & half and two Splenda, because that's the way my sister taught me to drink it. After we grabbed our drinks, we would find a nice little table, preferably near the window and sit down to take our first sips. I'd look across at you and wonder where to begin, after asking you how you have been doing, of course.
- When it was my turn, I'd tell you that I am really enjoying school so far. It is challenging in a great way and things are going well. I was even able to test out of a class that allowed me to jump ahead a year, which was is so wonderful and has really helped me feel like my education is on track!
- If we had coffee, I'd tell you that living further away from Dai has been an adjustment and that some days it is hard not to see him, but that I know everything will be fine and that we are lucky to live a 45-minute drive away from each other rather than a plane ride away.
- I'd tell you that despite the distance from my guy, I've been loving my new place! I'd gush about my new room and probably show you photos of what it looked like before and what it looks like now because I am just so proud of my hard work. I'd tell you that my roommates are seriously so nice and that I feel blessed to have these kind, fun people around me, especially when we do something like take a spontaneous ice cream trip and drive around listening to music while eating it--something I would have never done with the roommates I had before I lived with Dai. I'd also tell you that Marly seems to be enjoying our new little place and is making himself fit right in. He even tolerates (and is maybe close to liking) our Golden Retriever roommate, Messi. It is precious!
- I'd tell you about our little trip to LA that we just went on this weekend and how it was great to spend time with Dai's family, or my "Japanese family" as I like to call them. His new nephew, Haruki, is so very cute and it makes me so happy to Dai so excited to be an uncle. It is quite adorable and really warms my heart! I'd also tell you about how we also went to the beach while were were there and had a lovely time swimming in the ocean together, and that I'm sad that it was probably our last beach day of the summer.
- I'd tell you that we have been running lately and how it is definitely not my favorite activity. But, I'd also say it is getting a little easier and that I am doing my best to try to enjoy it! Cute running clothes certainly do help!
- I'd tell you that I have been feeling like it may be time for me to move on from being a nanny, even though there is some security that comes with it. I've just been feeling more and more that I would like to gain experience working in a more professional field, one that I will provide me with opportunities to learn new things and be more challenged. I would also tell you that I have been hating the commute from my new house to my work, which is definitely motivating me even more to pursue a different path. I've been working on my resumé, so hopefully something good will happen!
- I'd tell you that I am dreaming of visiting NYC again and that I would love to go this fall, but that I know it isn't really a possibility right now. With a big smile on my face, I'd tell you that I just want to soak up the crisp air of the city and the changing leaves! And that I want to finally meet Miss Katie and drink lattes while staring out coffee shop windows! And that I want to wear cute boots and layers, and take photographs of everything I see. And walk hand in hand with my guy through the city.
When we have had our fill of catching up and chattering about all the things that come to our minds, we would toss our now empty cups and part ways with a hug until next time...
If we had coffee, what would you tell me? What would you probably order?
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