Hello, hello! Outfit posts were becoming pretty frequent there for a while, but more recently they have been on the back burner. I'm here today, though, with a very special skirt from Lindy Bop that I got early in the summer, but have yet to share here on the blog! It isn't a secret that I have developed a love for vintage inspired things and this lovely floral skirt really gets me in that way!

Since Lindy Bop is measured in UK sizing, I wasn't sure what size I should order and that kept me from purchasing anything from their site for a long time. I finally e-mailed their customer support, told them my US size, and they kindly converted it for me. I went with their suggestion and both things I purchased fit perfectly! So, I definitely recommend contacting them if you are unsure about your size!

Around the same time that I purchased my Lindy Bop skirt, I discovered a cute online vintage inspired shop called The Oblong Box Shop. I love their fun printed skirts, but was really drawn to their pinup style sweetheart tops. I got this white one and a black one that has slightly different straps. Both are great for wearing with skirts since they are fitted. I love how this white one looks with my floral skirt!

Believe it or not, I'm not quite ready for the weather to cool down yet and am still loving this summer weather. I feel like things are finally just getting into full swing and each day has (thankfully) been sunny and nice (especially in the city where Dai & I live, which is notoriously cloudy). So, it looks like I will be able to keep my summer dresses and skirts and sandals out for a while longer!

One thing that I may welcome a change in, though, is my hair. I don't think it has ever been this long and I'm not sure if I like it or not. Some days I love it and other days I just want to chop it all off. And I know that it is just hair, but why does it have to be so complicated and come with so much attachment and emotions?! To cut or not to cut... Sigh.

In other news, we are signing up to run a Fitbit sponsored 5k in October with some friends. I haven't quite decided how I feel about this yet. I'm excited, but I have truthfully never ran more than a mile at once in my entire life, so I have no idea how I am going to run three miles. I mean, people run marathons and half marathons, so surely I can run three miles, right? Last night, we went to a high school track to run a mile. I was reaaaaally slow, BUT I did run the entire thing without stopping or walking and was pretty proud of myself for that. Clearly, though, I have some training to do!
I'm also pretty much all moved into my new place! We are just taking the last of my things over there this weekend and then I can work on getting settled. I still need to paint the bathroom, but things are coming together and I am really happy with it all so far! I will have to hang things on the walls and get unpacked before I show you all what it looks like :)
And I start school next week! Ahhh! I'm getting excited, but am also pretty nervous!
I hope you all are having a fabulous week so far!
P.S. We watched the season finale of PLL last night and my mind is still blown. I have so many questions! Things make so much sense and no sense at all, all at the same time. Wow, just WOW.

Top // The Oblong Box Shop
Shoes // Cathy Jean
Necklace // Forever21
Necklace // Forever21

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