Aside from this blog, creating a small photography business on the side has been one of my passion projects. I have been so excited to start photographing people more often and growing in that passion of mine! Of course, it will be a nice way to make some extra money hopefully (which all college students could definitely use!), but I'm mostly just looking forward to being able to further develop my skills and meet new people while I'm at it.
I'd love it if you checked out my site, Jessica Noel Photography, and even passed it along to your SF Bay Area friends if you are feeling nice :) And of course, if any of you readers are in the Bay Area and want to set up a photo session, I'd be sure to give you a great deal, so please do reach out :)

Since we are on the topic of photography, I thought this would be the perfect time to share some of my favorite shots from a session I did just the other day with my best friend, Nayeli, and her boyfriend, Greg. We made a day of it and grabbed brunch before heading to Golden Gate Park in San Francisco to shoot these photos!

Golden Gate Park is such a huge place and I wasn't quite sure what I was looking for in the perfect spot, but we lucked out and found several great settings for photos. This is easily one of my most very favorite portrait sessions I have ever done and I am so happy with how they turned out :) Enjoy!

Nayeli and Greg are such a cute couple and are definitely our favorite couple to hang out with. From pumpkin carving, to softball games, to cookie decorating, to dinner dates, and nights out bar hopping, we always have so much fun with them and are constantly laughing!
I have been friends with Nayeli since our freshman year of high school when we met playing on the softball team, and though we did lose touch for a while in between that time, I can honestly say that she is one of my closest, funniest, kindest, and faithful friends. We reconnected just last spring after not talking much for a few years and easily picked up right where we left off, and are closer than we have ever been. I think that's how you know you have found a true, lifetime friend :)
Well, enough gushing about friendship for now (although I do plan to write an entire post on it soon)! I hope you enjoyed these recent photos and my new site! Like I said before, I am just so very excited to see where this adventure takes me!
Thank you for all of your support :)
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