November is here! I wanted to have my goals post up on the 1st, but I was a little too sugared up from Halloween candy that I got from a party to think straight! Here I am now, though, fully detoxing from that sugar high (I will miss you, candy). I realized that I sort of accidentally skipped October goals!
Before November gets going, lets review September's goals...
+ Book a photo session with a client
I did book an event to shoot for October, which was a nice bit of extra income, so that's good! I would still like to book a portrait session or something like that though so I am going to keep at it with this goal.
+ Read two books
I finished one and started a second at the end of the month, but I didn't finish the second one in September so I didn't quite make this goal! Making reading part of my evening routine has been a really nice way of unwinding before bed though and I have since moved on to another new book!
+ Work on my hand lettering skills
Though I am not nearly where I would like to be with this, I did work on my lettering! I also made a friend in one of my classes who is into lettering too and she has been giving me some tips to practice, so that's nice! Hoping I can continue to work on this in October.
+ Make a video of our trip to Hawaii!
Done! You can watch it here :)
+ Frame photos and hang things on the walls
I didn't get to this unfortunately, mostly because I just am not sure what I want to hang up. I think I am going to scour Etsy for some inexpensive prints and maybe make a few pieces myself. Also need to decide how I want to display photos. All of this just takes time, which is not something I have a lot of!
+ Find eating balance/follow Whole30 principles
Hmmm.. Still working on this one. I have a lot of different ideas and interests when it comes to eating, but I just need to find something that works for me and get into a new groove.
Goals for November...
+ Decide what to give people for Christmas!
This year, I will not rush around right before Christmas! Or, at least I will really try not to haha. I am planning to hand make most of the gifts this year because #brokecollegelife, so I need to get started early!
+ Practice yoga 2-3 times per week
I've been going to a yoga class one a week and it has been really nice, so I would like to do my best to do yoga another one or two times at home on my own. I recently checked out Yoga With Adriene on YouTube and I really enjoy her videos!
+ Create and order Christmas cards
In the past, I have been very awful about this! Every year I want to send some out, but I only got around to it one year and didn't even finish sending them to everyone I wanted to. This year, I promised myself to keep them simple and not try to make it into a huge DIY project because let's face it: I just don't have time for that.
+ Register for classes for the spring semester
Registering for classes is one of the biggest pains! It can be difficult to make sure every class fits in your schedule when you need it to and then actually getting a spot in that class is a whole other story depending on your registration date! I am working on figuring out all the classes I need and when I can take them, and it is draining... Wish me luck!
+ Spend time with family
I don't really have family living around me, so whenever I can go down to San Diego to see them it is extra special. I am super excited to be going down there for Thanksgiving and can't wait to see my sister especially!
+ Host a Friendsgiving
Hosting a Friendsgiving is something I have wanted to do for a few years now, but I have never had my own space to do it... Until now! The invites are out and now I am just waiting to hear back from people and need to plan the menu! Everyone is going to bring something and we will just have a nice time hanging out together :)
It should be a great month! I am really looking forward to the start of the holiday season and want to do my best to enjoy every moment of it!
What are your goals for November?
Before November gets going, lets review September's goals...
+ Book a photo session with a client
I did book an event to shoot for October, which was a nice bit of extra income, so that's good! I would still like to book a portrait session or something like that though so I am going to keep at it with this goal.
+ Read two books
I finished one and started a second at the end of the month, but I didn't finish the second one in September so I didn't quite make this goal! Making reading part of my evening routine has been a really nice way of unwinding before bed though and I have since moved on to another new book!
+ Work on my hand lettering skills
Though I am not nearly where I would like to be with this, I did work on my lettering! I also made a friend in one of my classes who is into lettering too and she has been giving me some tips to practice, so that's nice! Hoping I can continue to work on this in October.
+ Make a video of our trip to Hawaii!
Done! You can watch it here :)
+ Frame photos and hang things on the walls
I didn't get to this unfortunately, mostly because I just am not sure what I want to hang up. I think I am going to scour Etsy for some inexpensive prints and maybe make a few pieces myself. Also need to decide how I want to display photos. All of this just takes time, which is not something I have a lot of!
+ Find eating balance/follow Whole30 principles
Hmmm.. Still working on this one. I have a lot of different ideas and interests when it comes to eating, but I just need to find something that works for me and get into a new groove.
+ Decide what to give people for Christmas!
This year, I will not rush around right before Christmas! Or, at least I will really try not to haha. I am planning to hand make most of the gifts this year because #brokecollegelife, so I need to get started early!
+ Practice yoga 2-3 times per week
I've been going to a yoga class one a week and it has been really nice, so I would like to do my best to do yoga another one or two times at home on my own. I recently checked out Yoga With Adriene on YouTube and I really enjoy her videos!
+ Create and order Christmas cards
In the past, I have been very awful about this! Every year I want to send some out, but I only got around to it one year and didn't even finish sending them to everyone I wanted to. This year, I promised myself to keep them simple and not try to make it into a huge DIY project because let's face it: I just don't have time for that.
+ Register for classes for the spring semester
Registering for classes is one of the biggest pains! It can be difficult to make sure every class fits in your schedule when you need it to and then actually getting a spot in that class is a whole other story depending on your registration date! I am working on figuring out all the classes I need and when I can take them, and it is draining... Wish me luck!
+ Spend time with family
I don't really have family living around me, so whenever I can go down to San Diego to see them it is extra special. I am super excited to be going down there for Thanksgiving and can't wait to see my sister especially!
+ Host a Friendsgiving
Hosting a Friendsgiving is something I have wanted to do for a few years now, but I have never had my own space to do it... Until now! The invites are out and now I am just waiting to hear back from people and need to plan the menu! Everyone is going to bring something and we will just have a nice time hanging out together :)
It should be a great month! I am really looking forward to the start of the holiday season and want to do my best to enjoy every moment of it!
What are your goals for November?
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